Our Story
Hi, I'm Emma!
The first thing you should know about me –
I am not from a farming background, but realised early on that a career with animals and farming was my destiny. At the age of 13, I worked on a local farm park in North Devon. This is where my love for the countryside grew. At the age of 16, I studied Animal Care, Agriculture and Countryside Management over the course of four years. Many careers followed including herdsperson, lambing assistant and freelance stock person.
When I was 27, I embarked on an Honours Degree in Agriculture and Rural Business Management. This was to further enhance my existing practical knowledge, expand on my business knowledge and offer a unique perspective of the wider industries. On completing this degree, I then became a work-based learning tutor, teaching and supporting students in their apprenticeships.
In 2016, I became the Youth Coordinator for The Hereford Cattle Society and facilitate workshops, events and young handler competitions on a National level. This passion to help the younger generation learn and grow enthused me to complete a Masters Degree in Children’s Publishing. It was here that the idea of a farming focused, children’s magazine derived from.
Now my dream and vision has come to fruition with the help of my newly formed team. I love reading and farming, so why not combine the two?
Just recently I have become an NFU Farmers for Schools Ambassador which means I can talk to lots of children about how amazing the agricultural industry is.
I live in Wiltshire with my husband Richard and our children. We farm approximately 100 acres and breed pedigree Herefords, Ruby Reds and Beef Shorthorns. In my spare time I like to show our cattle at agricultural shows, read books and magazines and go open water swimming (in the summer!).